Bring emotional awareness and transformation to your child’s life.
Our SuperHero Training Kit is a tool that helps kids identify, validate, and shift their emotions.
Children from all over the world are creating their very own "SuperHero Training Headquarters". It's a space they create in their room, or a little corner of the house, to practice their emotions.
The SuperHero Training Kit is perfect for kids to have in their Headquarters when they are feeling low energy, and to practice high energy.
Here is what you will receive in this kit:
- One Super Hero Training Poster - this poster can be hung up or framed to be used in their "Headquarters". The poster is used to viscerally help your child become aware of their current emotions, and help them shift their emotions to higher, better feeling ones.
- Six SuperHero Characters Cards - these cards are carefully crafted to help your child visually identify the current emotions they’re feeling, and the emotion they would much rather feel. Each cards stick onto the designated area of the poster, helping your child move through the process of becoming aware of, and shifting their emotions.
- Fourteen Shifting Strategy Cards - these cards are designed to help your child architect a more powerful way to manifest their potential. They are very practical, calming ideas that help them shift to higher, better feelings.
- Quick Start Guide - Don’t worry, we have enclosed a quick start guide to give you all the nifty details, and help you (quickly & easily) walk through your new Superhero Training.
"My son is taking an emotional intelligence class with Awakened Generation. He loved it! I am so glad they are doing this, it's so important for kids to learn what emotions are and how to handle them. I'm so grateful for Awakened Generation!"
- Danny
"If you're a conscious parent and looking for a fun, simple, effective tool for nurturing your child's emotional health, I've stumbled onto something wonderful. It's the "Superhero Training Kit" by @awakenedgen. It helps your child process their feelings, then provides shifting strategies that simply and playfully guides them into a better feeling state! Such an empowering, beautiful creation!"
- Fatima
"This has been so helpful in helping our 4 year old identify his feelings and figuring out that he doesn't need to stay in his negative feelings and can choose a positive one. I'm still working on re-doing his bedroom and excited to dedicate a whole corner just to Superhero training!"
- Kasia